Brown→Reddish Brown→Red→Orange→ Gold→Yellow→Pale Yellow
Brown to Blonde
So if we want to make a brunette out of pale yellow hair, we would need to replace the colors which were lightened out in the same order as they were depleted. In order to make the job a lot easier, we can use an orange (yellow & red pre-mixed) demi-color instead of applying a gold then red color.
Blonde to Brown
Pale Yellow→Yellow→Gold→Orange→Red→Reddish Brown→Brown
You never want to use any ash tones in this procedure. Even if you want your finished color to look ashy, you must still use a gold or neutral base color as your final shade. Never use a green, blue, or violet shade tint.
Tint backs are when you are taking a client that has been getting his/her hair lightened out (as in a double process blonde or a very light single process blonde with a high degree of porosity), back to his/her natural color or to any darker color than he/she presently is.
In this case, we will use the exposed contributing pigment chart from the beginning of this book to see what colors need to be put back into the hair before you can achieve a natural looking finished result. (This technique is sometimes called “Color Packing” or replacing the “Building Blocks of Color”).
For example:
The client has been double processed for some time now and wishes to go back to his/her natural color, which was a “level 4,light brown”.
Remember, you cannot just select a light brown tint, put it on this bleached out hair and expect to get a good color. There isn’t a sufficient color base left in the hair to support the light brown color. The hair will grab the base of the tint and come out looking very drab, muddy or green. You must first put the missing contributing pigment back into the hair before applying the final desired shade.
You can see by looking at the chart on the next page, that, in order to make a “level 4, light brown”, the missing contributing pigment must be put back into the hair. In this case, it is “red-orange”.
Back in the days of “Color Fillers”, we first put in the yellow (gold) filler and then put in the red filler in order to make orange. This is why it was called “The Building Blocks of Color”.
However, today, all you have to do is to select a demi-color shade that is “light orange,” or something in the orange category, to give you the base you need. (Tahitian Red Blonde works great).
Steps to a Tint Back
WARNING: It is very important to use a shade that is at least two levels lighter than your final desired color so that the end result won’t look orange. Apply the light orange demi-color (mixed with the appropriate developer) to the entire head and allow to process for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then use a clean towel and wipe off the demi-color or rinse the demi-color out at the shampoo bowl (do not shampoo, just rinse with water). Next, mix and apply your final desired shade. I would suggest that, for your final desired shade, you continue to use a demi-color. Since you are going darker and not needing any lifting action, a demi-color will hold better and keep the hair in better condition. Also, for your final desired shade, stay away from ash shades. These may still result in drab and muddy looking hair. Instead, stick with the warmer gold or red shades for the best results. If you really want an ash finished look, use a natural / neutral base tint.
Prepigment is outdated.
Adding gold and red to the target brown shade is sufficient.
Applied on shampooed damp unconditioned hair for 40 minutes.
Prepigmenting is still valid depending on porosity, integrity and the longevity of the color results you are wanting to deliver. Otherwise a quick tint without filler may be just right
Ok great! !..I need some help please...I did a double process blonde last week on a NL3. She wanted to be a light brown, so I toned her down with ash blond and brown...and I used a lot of ash tones, because still had a lot of orange ..it turned a nice color in the front and top of the head but in the back (nape and crown area)..is a kind of muddy color.. Now she wants to be corrected. ..she still wants to be brown, but an even color...can someone help me in how to proceed? ..thanks a lot
What if client wants to go from a level 10-12 to a 6 vr? Porous hair? What do you recommen?
Ok. Need help I when from level 12 no pigment on my hair I did the protein filling but my hair was dark on the root I pick color 5ch 40 develop my root are good chocalete brown them I did the rest of the hair 5 ch 10 develop but my hair turn green , then I call the company the girl said to get a warn color with was 5g light golden brown but didn't work my hair now look ashy blonde they tell me now I need red to get 5 r but now I scared to dye my hair again what can I do I really really need help from argan oil hair color my name is Vanessa
I believe if you put the red or mixed the red and gold would be alot better. You always need the 3 primary (yellow, red, blue) the 5ch which turned green, I would have gone with 5r then. It needs more red pigment in it. The gold had some red but not enough. Try the 5r or 5red brown. You'll be safe with that. I don't use argon oil color. I use All-Nutrients but no matter what color line you use you have to get the three primary colors back in. You've got the yellow added the blue but need the red back as well. Then the argon oil conditioners and treatments are awesome so condition well for awhile afterwards. Good luck. Janet from Hairtrax Salon in Missouri
I'm a natural blonde trying to go red, but the red dye fades out in less than a week. What do I need to do to make it last?
I am trying to dye my bleached ombré hair black, what color filler do I need to use?
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